Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Some facts about you & God:
  • He Orders Your Steps. If your heart is following after God, be confident that you are right where you are supposed to be.
  • God's ways are always right. They may not make sense to us. But they are right.
  • God believes in you, even if you don't believe in Him.
  • He put those dreams you have in you.
  • God wants you to look for His heart, not only His hand.
  • It doesn't matter if you don't see a way. He is the way.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hey!!!! Just wanted to share a short thought I read today and directly spoke to me:

"Follow me beyond what you can control, beyond where your own strength and competencies can take you, and beyond what is affirmed and risked by the crowd, and you will experience ME, and my power, and my wisdom, and my love." Just Courage - Gary a Haugen

I promise I will be writing a full new post very soon!Leave your suggestions if you happen to have any ;)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Glee's ultimate playlist

As a continuation of my last post about Glee, I thought it was fair enough to list some the songs I recommend you to listen. Being a gleek myself, I'm keeping track of the last season's episodes, so these song suggestions are up-to-date. All of them are really worth listening. I would love y'all to comment on it!

1) Smile (Charlie Chaplin's cover):
In this song, I think they make a classic of a classic.

2) Papa don't preach: Performed by Dianna Agron. Neat!
3) Somebody to love:
One of Glee's anthems. Freddie Mercury must be smiling :)

4) Take a bow: I think Lea Michele kicks Rihanna's ass performing this song!

5) Maybe this time:
A personal favorite. Kristen Chenoweth & Lea Michele.

6) It's my life /Confessions:
One of the mash-ups, full of adrenaline and "Vitamin D". Love it!

7) Hate on me:
Mercedes' masterpiece.

8) Don't stand so close /Young Girl:
Every eighties' music lover should listen to it!

9) Endless love: As cheesy as it is, it is the ultimate ballad!

10) What it feels like for a girl:
In my opinion, even better that Madonna's version.

11) Defying Gravity (Lea Michele's version) : My very, very favorite. There is nothing like that song.
12) Sweet Caroline:
Not the typical choir song, very acustic, very cozy.

13) Borderline/Open your heart:
In my opinion, the best duet ever performed by Corey & Lea.

14) Don't rain on my parade:
100% broadway. Baffling.

15) Don't stop believing:
The very definition of what Glee is about.

Hope you enjoy !

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ask, and it will be given to you

Hello everyone!

Today I just wanted to stop by to leave a short message. This is something I read last night after I spent some time asking God to give me a new promise. Here's what I got:
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7: 7 -11.

So I guess there's no reason to be worried about future, right? :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Haiti, Tierra entre MontaƱas

Primer post en espanol (desde ya me disculpo por no tener signos de puntuacion en espanol, como acentos y otros; mi computadora no los tiene =( ).

Pense que era buena idea alternar los posts en ingles y espanol, porque hay cosas que definitivamente se escuchan o se entienden mejor en determinado idioma. Ademas, creo que es un poco discriminatorio (aparte de que la mayoria de personas que conozco hablan principalmente espanol, y tengo que pensar en formas de aumentar la popularidad del recien nacido blog jajaja).

Hoy quiero hablar de un tema un poco sonado ultimamente, pero que aun asi no ha tenido toda la atencion que en mi opinion realmente requiere: Haiti. Y dentro de este tema, quiero resaltar el trabajo que hace un grupo de cristianos estadounidenses con los ninos de Haiti, desde mucho antes del terremoto.

Primero, quisiera repasar algunos antecedentes de Haiti:

Desde su nacimiento, la isla ha vivido conflicto tras conflicto: Sus habitantes nativos fueron aniquilados por los colonizadores; luego del dominio espanol, gran parte del territorio haitiano es cedido a Francia, pais que hizo de Haiti una de las colonias mas ricas de America, basando el comercio en la explotacion de los recursos y el comercio de esclavos. A finales del Siglo XVIII, la poblacion de 500.000 esclavos de Haiti se rebelo contra el control Frances bajo el liderazgo de Francois Toussaint L'ouverture (cuya interesante biografia pueden consultar aqui Haiti termino siendo la primera Republica negra en proclamar su independencia en 1804.

Hoy, mas de 200 anhos mas tarde, Haiti es el pais mas pobre de toda America. El conflicto politico continuo siendo parte de su historia, y vive uno de sus episodios mas oscuros con el gobierno de Jean-Bertrand Aristide quien es obligado a renunciar en 2004. Naciones Unidas asume el papel de monitoreo de la estabilizacion de Haiti a traves de MINUSTAH (la mision de la ONU para velar por la estabilidad de Haiti). En 2006, luego de muchos obstaculos se proclama un gobierno democratico, lo cual, a pesar de ser un avance, no ha contribuido a disminuir la pobreza y las condiciones en las que vive su poblacion. El terremoto de Enero de 2010 ciertamente devasto a la Isla, siendo la opinion de muchos que el pais debia ser reconstruido en su totalidad.

Su poblacion es de 9.035.536., de los cuales casi la mitad son ninos.
De esta cifra, aproximadamente 120.000 personas viven con VIH SIDA.
Mas de dos tercios de la fuerza laboral del pais no posee un empleo formal.
Solo en Republica Dominicana hay aproximadamente 500.000 migrantes/refugiados haitianos.

A pesar de la tragedia humana que vive Haiti, en especial despues del terremoto, mi intencion en resaltar las buenas acciones que mucha gente hace cuando encuentra estos escenarios llenos de necesidad. Hay un grupo de misioneros cristianos como Danita Estrella, quienes se ha dado a la tarea de intentar mejorar las condiciones que viven los huerfanos en Haiti. Aunque no tengo cifras exactas, las condiciones economicas en Haiti hacen que la cifra de ninos abandonados por sus padres en orfanatos sea considerablemente alta. Leyendo los testimonios de Leslie Ludy (Directora del ministerio cristiano , encuentro historias como la de un padre que no dejaba de llorar al entregar a su hijo en un orfanato. Alguien le pregunto que si le causaba tanto dolor dejar a su nino, por que lo hacia. El padre contesto que como no tenia los medios para darle de comer, preferia dejarlo alli, donde al menos tendria una comida diaria, que verlo morir de hambre. Lamentablemente, esta es la historia de muchos, pero muchos ninos haitianos.

Danita Estrella atiende un orfanato en Haiti, donde los ninos son atendidos a nivel medico, educativo, psicologico y se les comparte sobre principios cristianos. En mi criterio, el trabajo que hacen es realmente admirable, y realmente marca una diferencia en muchas vidas.

No quisiera que pensaran que solo destaco este trabajo por tratarse de misioneros cristianos. Si bien para mi es una gran inspiracion que personas con valores cristianos se vean impulsadas por estos a ayudar y tender una mano a quienes lo necesitan, alabo cualquier proyecto desinteresado que implique pensar en el otro.

Pueden ingresar a la pagina web de Danita aqui:

Leslie Ludy tambien coordina un proyecto para ninos huerfanos en Haiti, pueden conocer mas en :

Espero, en un futuro no muy lejano, tener el privilegio de visitar Haiti, aunque sea por un corto tiempo. Aqui en Venezuela, el Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados Latinoamerica y el Caribe, se encuentra haciendo una interesante investigacion sobre una importante cantidad de haitianos que se encuentran en nuestro territorio. Tratare de hacerle un seguimiento a esta investigacion, porque mi plan es incluir algunos datos de esta situacion en el capitulo sobre refugio y asilo del informe anual sobre DDHH de Provea. Asi que cualquier dato o noticia que encuentren por ahi, me sirve!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I had to dedicate one of my first entries to one show that has captured my attention from the very beginning. Glee.

For those of you who haven't watched the show, NO, Glee is not just about a bunch of losers who can sing ! haha.

However, I'm not going to talk just about the songs, the characters (even though I can really relate to Rachel haha) or the script. Besides the Broadway style songs, what I love about Glee is the fact that the show tries to put on the spotlight some of the vulnerability that is part of our society today. Let's take Artie, for instance, the guy in the wheelchair. It's so unusual to find a character who actually gets to speak and sing in many scenes, who has a disability. Or Mercedes, the extra-weighed black girl. To many people, especially in the US, if you're black you're probably poor or disadvantaged in some way. But in Mercedes' case, she's the daughter of a dentist and is very talented, and she's very confident of who she is. And finally, we have Kurt. He's the "gay kid" and, even though his part is kind of a cliche, one of the best things about him is his amazing talent. (Try to listen to his version of Wicked's "Defying Gravity").
My point is, whether you like Glee or not, the show reminds us that, no matter how far we may feel from being 'perfect' or popular, all of us have purposes, talents and opportunities.

Another great thing about Glee is that not everything is as it seems.

You HAVE to watch the episode where Sue Sylvester accepts a girl with Down Syndrome into the Cheerios (the cheerleaders team). Since she's Glee's villain, one expects that to be part of a wicked plan...and at the end you find out she has a sister with Down Syndrome too.

Well, I will be blogging more about Glee soon!

By the way, I also LOVE the way they mock at some of the worst flaws of the characters (Emma's illness, Rachel's personality, Finn's stupidity and so on). Besides the songs, that's my favorite thing about Glee and that's what makes it so fun!! After all, Glee is all about sharing the joy !!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 1

Hello everyone! I decided to start this blog considering just one single idea: No matter how hard, awful, horrible or cruel this life may seem, God created us and this world with a very, very good purpose in mind. I've realized there are so many things that are just amazing in this world, that deserve our appreciation and admiration. To me, all of those things are an evidence that God wants us to enjoy life. And are evidence of His love, too. I personally enjoy music, photography, children, traveling, books, food, movies and inspiring quotes! I'm a passionate Human Rights defender who believes Christianity is about loving and helping others -no matter what- with concrete actions. I will be talking about all those things in my future posts. Warning!!! Some may be nostalgic, silly, deep, hilarious, pointless and some may be in Spanish, my first language. Some will be just pictures :) Thank you in advance for reading me, and remember: Life is what you make of it.