Tuesday, July 20, 2010

He IS, indeed, your life

"When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory". Colossians 3:4.

For years and years I've been asking myself the same question: What is the purpose of life?
How can people be so different and at the same time come from the same Creator? (because we ARE all created by the same God).

Why does it really mean to be a Christian? Is it just a matter of being religious and conservative? Or it should radically change how I see God, how I see people, how I conduct myself, and the way I choose to live?

Today, after reading an article on www.setapartgirl.com , an online magazine I highly recommend, I took my Bible and started meditating on Colossians 3:4. The whole intention of the versicle is to remind us that when Jesus comes back, we will be with Him and we will take part in His amazing Glory.

But if you read carefully, you'll find that this versicle has also a key phrase: "When Christ, WHO IS YOUR LIFE..." Wait a minute. Here it says that Christ is not only part of my life, or that God is important to me... He IS, in fact, my life. Wow.
So, that implies a LOT to us. It gives us a purpose. It should destroy all of our fears. It should shape our lives to do what He created us for.

I want to keep making Christ, my whole life. Everything that is good and great comes along with that. :)

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